Colour Film Chemistry

ECN-2 Home Processing Kits
The correct development kit for all Kodak Vision 3 cinema films. The kits come in 1 litre, good for developing 16 rolls of film and 0.5 litres, good for 8 rolls of film. Included in the kit is everything that Kodak recommends,
- Prebath
- Developer
- Stop bath
- Bleach
- Fixer
Results achieved by using a real ECN-2 kit for cinema film cannot be replicated with cross processing in C-41.

ECN-2 Final Rinse
The ECN-2 Final Rinse helps with the removal of remjet and prevents water streaks and spots as the last step in the ECN-2 process. This process is used in high end cinema labs that deveop cinema film. A litre of Final Rinse can be reused for approximately 16 rolls of film and lasts for 1 year in a fully stoppered bottle. ECN-2 Final Rinse comes in a 118ml bottle to make a total of 17 litres

MSDS & Instructions
ECN-2 PreBath
Straight from our ECN-2 Processing kit, we’ve brought out our 1 Litre ECN-2 PreBath. This PreBath is used for the easy removal of the remjet anti-haltion layer found on Vision3 cinema film. ECN-2 PreBath comes with 60g of powder to make 1 Litre of solution which is good for 16 rolls of film.

C-41 Home Processing Pro Kit
Using a tried and true lab formula our C-41 Pro Kits use 40% less chemicals than other formulas and less chemicals for a lower carbon footprint! Our 500ml kit is rated for 8 rolls of film, the 1 litre kit is rated for 16 rolls of film. These kits contain a:
- Developer
- Stop bath
- Bleach,
- Fixer
- Stabilizer
The separated bleach and fixer keeps the chemicals lasting longer and provides consistent results from first roll to last. The very popular bleach bypass process is easy with these kits.

C-41 Home Processing Eco Kit
Similar to the Pro Kit, this new C-41 Eco Kit contains 53% less chemicals all while still giving you the best results for your film. This kit comes in a 500ml for 8 rolls of film, or a 1 litre for 16 rolls of film! The Eco Kit contains:
- Developer
- Bleach
- Fixer